Vol.1674A, p. 39

Object number
A copy of a report from the Committee of Arrangements, which was formed by the Society on October 25, 1809. The Committee reported Primus Thurston resigned as a director of the Society and Newport Gardner was chosen to replace him, and John Mowatt replaced Cato Barker, while George Fairweather, Nathaniel Rodman, Pompey Brindley, Charles Sherman, and Ceasar Wanton maintained their appointments. The Committee also reported that a "number of our Colour are willing to become members but never had any invitations to meet with us," and therefore the Society should issue a general invitation to invite all old and young to join, and the Society appointed Ceasar Wanton, George Johnston, and Nathaniel Rodman to meet with the Society regarding the matter on the first Wednesday in January 1810. Report submitted by Cuffee Lawton Junior, clerk.
Documentation Type
Institutional Records